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Draft Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill

It extends the definition of "occupational detriment" in Section 1 of the Act to include being subjected to a civil claim for the breach of a duty of confidentiality or a confidentiality agreement committed as result of the disclosure of a criminal offence.
The Bill introduces an obligation on employers to ensure that they have proper and appropriate internal procedures regulating the receipt and handling of disclosures. It also introduces an obligation on an employer to whom a protected disclosure has been made to within 14 days of the disclosure, acknowledge receipt of the disclosure and confirm in writing that an investigation will be conducted. The employer then has an obligation to conduct the investigation or may hand over the investigation to a person or body appropriately qualified to do so.
The Bill aims to further promote and encourage disclosures by excluding civil and criminal liability of persons who make protected disclosures as defined by the Act, in breach of any law, oath, agreement or practice which requires confidentiality to be maintained. The Bill, however, makes it an offence for a person intentionally to disclose false information with the knowledge that it is false.
Clause 4 of the Bill introduces the notion of joint liability, whereby a client of the employer may also be held liable for an occupational detriment committed under the client's express or implied authority, or with the client's knowledge.
The Bill will be promulgated into law after the legislature votes in favour of it and it is signed by the President of the Republic.
Increase of BCEA minimum earnings threshold
The Minister of Labour has made a determination, in terms of section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 increasing of the current earnings threshold contained with the BCEA. As of 1 July, the new earnings threshold is R205,433.30.
Employees earning above the threshold will not (unless by agreement between the parties) be entitled to the full protections and benefits under the BCEA in respect of ordinary hours of work, overtime, compressed working week, averaging of hours of work, meal intervals, daily and weekly rest periods, pay for work on Sundays, night work and work on public holidays. An employee earning below the threshold will, for example, be entitled to payment for overtime worked; and for work performed on Sundays and on a public holiday on which the employee would ordinarily not be required to work.
For purposes of the threshold, "earnings" means the regular annual remuneration before deductions, i.e. income tax, pension, medical and similar payments, but excluding similar payments (contributions) made by the employer in respect of the employee, provided that subsistence and transport allowances received, achievement awards and payments for overtime worked shall not be regarded as remuneration.
The effect of an increase to the threshold will be that a greater number of employees will be entitled to the protections referred to above.
About Jacques van Wyk & Andre van Heerden
Jacques van Wyk is Director and Andre van Heerden is an Associate at Werksmans Attorneys.