Revenue Resolutions opens its doors as SA's newest revenue optimisation agency
A burgeoning hospitality and leisure industry coupled with a growing willingness to embrace new technologies, prompted the founding of South Africa's newest revenue management agency, Revenue Resolutions.
Headed up by Theresa Prins, the agency offers over 15 years revenue optimisation experience in some of South Africa’s top hotels including Emperors Place, Century City Hotel and the Peermont Group. Services include needs and gap analysis, strategic planning, tactical initiatives and revenue management technology with particular focus on training and development.

“Revenue management has been a vastly underused skillset in South Africa so far,” says Prins. “We will be working with a variety of properties including hotels, spas, parking garages, restaurants and conference centres to strategically manage and improve their revenue processes. Our goal is to ensure sustainable growth, increased profits, greater market share and improved efficiency.”

“Our scientific approach means that business owners and management have all the objective data they need to effectively manage their revenue strategies. We remove the “guessing” element that is often the weak spot in other less data-driven disciplines.”
In order to introduce property managers to the benefits and possibilities that working with a revenue management agency can bring, Revenue Resolutions is offering a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call which you can book online here or join the Revenue Managers of South Africa Facebook Group here.
Editorial contact
Shelley Finch
+27 84 027 6649