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Bushwise guides nature lovers to a career in the bush

This is why field guiding is increasingly becoming an important and attractive career option. More and more young adults are following their dreams of working in the bush and seeking field guide accreditation. Bushwise, gives trainee rangers an excellent foundation in field guiding as well as all the necessary accreditation with FGASA (Field Guides Association of South Africa) to start tracking a career in the bush.
Bushwise offers a choice of either a six-month or year-long course including both the essential theoretical and practical elements that blend together to take raw young environmental enthusiasts and turn out well-balanced and knowledgeable field guides. From the theoretical part of the course, soaking up the wisdom and life lessons of experienced, qualified rangers and environmentalists, to the practical element in the bush where students will hone their bush skills from 4x4 driving, first aid, rifle handling and bush knowledge (geology, reserve management, animal behaviour, birding and cyber tracking etc.), the training is comprehensive.
Bushwise's field guide training also offers exposure to dangerous game like hippos, elephant, rhino, lion and leopard, as part of a package constituting preparation for anyone looking to work in Big 5 game reserves. For the one-year students, Bushwise will place them with well-known lodges and research bases for six-month work experience.
For more on Bushwise and its courses, go to www.bushwise.co.za.