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The best and worst schools in South Africa

Last year, international news publication, The Economist, made local headlines when it declared our education system to be among the most grossly incompetent in the world.
Though many won’t be too surprised at this, given the pitiable state of pretty much everything else in South Africa, it is no less abhorrent.
In the article linked above, The Economist reported that ‘in a league table of education systems drawn up in 2015 by the OECD club of mainly rich countries‚ South Africa ranks 75th out of 76.’
Our children are essentially behind, performing far worse, than those in poorer parts of the continent.
Few countries spend so much money on education to so little effect. Now, we can point the fingers of blame all day long and pin it on the corrupt government or the corrupt South African Democratic Teachers Union, but that isn’t the point of this article. We simply take a look at the best and the worst schools in our country.
Find out who South Africa's best and worst schools are on CompareGuru.
Source: Circular Economy

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