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Growsmart Literacy Competition kicks off in April

The competition takes the form of an expanded spelling bee, with three learners in each team. The action is fast and furious, with each learner spelling words, defining them and using them in sentences. The words, as well as numeracy questions, come out of specially designed Growsmart newspapers, which are distributed four times a year to every child in Grades 4, 5 and 6 in the 160 participating schools. A story writing competition was introduced in 2014 and, with so much positive feedback, Growthpoint Properties was inspired to create more opportunities for learners to get involved.
New competitions
The two new additions to Growsmart are Science and Maths competitions. These competitions will run alongside the Growsmart literacy competition, with teams of three learners from each participating school.
On Saturday 9 April, Level 1 of the competition will start and, by 28 May, it will be completed. Then it is on to Level 2 and the semi finals. The final round will take place on 3 September at the V&A Waterfront.
The winning school will receive an iSchool Africa iPad Learning Programme, valued at more than R260,000. Second and third place winners receive substantial improvements to their school premises. The three learners in each winning team also receive financial assistance towards their further education for items such as laptops, printers, extra lessons, school fees and clothing. The maths, science and story writing competition winners will also receive prizes.
Furthermore, the competition offers each of the top eight teams the chance to earn a life-changing high school bursary. To date eight Growsmart learners have received bursaries.
For more information, go to www.growsmart.org.za, email Jessica Miller at moc.snoitacinummocoppih@acissej or call +27 (0) 21 554 6270.