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Nothing plastic about Ashtray Electric

BizLounge met for a chat with Cape Town rockers Ashtray Electric at Cafe Royale in Long Street last Friday. Friday was a busy day for the band which saw them perform live later that day on a Kids TV show and perform that night at the Vice Launch at the Assembly . We managed to catch some time and coffee with the four to discuss dark lyrics, air traffic control and drunken clumsiness amongst much more.
Nothing plastic about Ashtray Electric

Can you give us a little background history on the band how did you guys all meet and get together?

Reg: It goes back quite far actually; some of us were at school together - in various bands. And I remember running into the guys at the shack and we decided to jam and then we met Andre, we didn't know him and didn't know that he could sing or anything and we started the band which has been just been about 2 years now.

You guys seem to have garnered quite a decent amount of success and media coverage in the short time since you have started as a band what would you credit this to?

Rudi:It doesn't feel that long. I think success is quite a relative term to use its also only really been of late you work really hard for 2 years and then afterwards the hype comes.

Where do you all originate from?

Reg: We were born in Bloem me in my boet (Rupert) and then lived in Durbanville, “Pleasantville”
Andre: I was born in J' burg cause of crime we moved down and then moved to Wellington and then came to CT to study and I met (Rudi). I had a bright future in beautiful things and he led me down the wrong road.

Why do you think there are so many bands forming in Bellville these days?

Rudi: Friends similar interests. I think without knowing it our circumstances pushed us in certain directions and it just happened to be music. And it was infectious from there.
Andre: I think it's just basically coincidence. A lot of friends had something in common and we loved music. I don't think there was a plan; we didn't decide to make Bellville the new Manchester. I think it has been over analysed people try and find a meaning or reason behind it when at the end of the day it just might not be a reason.

But you don't find bands all hailing from Fishoek.

Rudi: Well Bellville's quite boring really there's not much else to do. There's no scene. I hate that word.
Reg: Don't you think though if you're a new band from Bellville people will check you out in any case?
Rudi: Ja sometimes it's a bit unfair.
Reg: People just get on that Bellville Bandwagon. The bottom line is not if the band is form Bellville or not but if they are actually any good

How would you describe your sound?

Reg: Dark, ominous tones, deep sad lyrics Ha ha. No no that's taking it a bit too far. It tends to lean to the darker side of things, melodic. It' hard to tell that's probably the hardest question. We all bring different influences.
Rudi:It's Rock music I don't know what else to call it, everyone is always on about some indie angle but its Rock music.

You guys have such a great design and branding with regard to your album and media. Who is responsible for that?

Pierre Coetzee.

Did you all discuss what sort of look and feel you wanted?

Andre: It was more like we would go to Pierre's flat with a bottle of whiskey and just brainstorm and talk about what we would do. There was a definite mood that we wanted that would reflect the sound of the album. The sound of the album is quite nostalgic so we really liked the whole book idea.

What was it like winning the MK Award 2009 for Best Newcomer?

Reg: Flattering, quite surprising because there were a lot of bands in that category.
Andre: We are honoured because it was done by vote and there were over 300000 votes on the award over all so for me that's quite substantial. At the end of the day you are happy but then it's like what's next how do we make it better how do we go from best newcomers to winning best video.

Rudi: We are quite hard on ourselves when it come to making things better. We are trying to push ourselves at all times you can't get complacent.

How do you feel with regards to censoring your lyrics to get media play? For example Yesterday's Pupil's video Lines and Colours was banned from MK. for drug related lyrics.

Andre: No we wouldn't do that. I write the lyrics and I am not a big fan of swearing unless you really need to. If I really want to say in a song I hate you, I will say ”I fucking hate you.” If you gonna say something then you have got to mean it. All my lyrics mean something to me I'm not going to write something just because it sounds cool. If you want to swear then go ahead but don't radio edit it then.

And with regards to lyrics. They are quite dark and honest would you say that is a reflection of your personality?

Andre: I guess so. I don't know I just never have been a huge fan of happy songs; personally I have always wanted to write music that reminds you of a past time or a feeling that is invoked. I've just never been a fan of writing “I'm so happy I want to kiss the sky” type of thing. I think I am quite a jovial person but I don't think I find joy interesting I find darker emotions more interesting things like fear and loathing.

Favourite SA bands can you narrow it down to one?

Rupert: Talent wise it would have to be Isochronous. As musos we have the most respect for them, The CD I listen to the most is aKing at the moment.
Rudi: I'll have to say Fokofpolisiekar purely because I grew up with them and can relate to them.
Andre: I'm quite keen to check New Holland's new album I think it's going to be very cool, But at the moment there is no SA band that if I see is playing at Mercury I will be like I have to go. Personally at the moment I don't have a favourite.
Reg: Kid Of Doom I really enjoy their stuff. It's a hard question though. Because we have respect for most bands in their own right cause you play with them and share stages with them. At the end of the day the question what is your favourite band or CD is totally dependent on what type of mood you're in.

And do you have any SA bands that you don't like?

Andre: Well I'm gonna have to say the Plastics. I think it has to be said that they are not doing anything original. Personally I think they wrote an album that sounds like the Arctic Monkies and they're trying to disguise it as their own and I despise that with every bone in my body.
Rudi: I'll back that up and say the thing that makes it worse is that their marketing technique is exactly the same as the Arctic Monkies as well. I think you can forgive them for making tunes that sound like the Arctic Monkies.
Andre: I can't
Rudi: Well they're a good band they're good musicians they're tight and what they do, they do well. Ahh my god we started a public feud.

Craziest Rock Star moment?

Reg: Klien Libertas?
Rudi: Obviously there some things that we can't tell you.
Andre: I got my shoelaces tied on stage one time this girl crawled on stage and tied them.

Did you not notice?

Andre: No I did but I was singing and I couldn't just shoo her away my shoelaces were undone and she tied them and I was like err thank you very much.
Rudi: In the begging when we started playing I think like most bands you get extremely drunk before every show. But it's only because you're so nervous you kinda have to. We used to get very drunk and fall of the stage. Drunken clumsiness. So that's the censored version.

What do you think you would be doing if you weren't doing music?

Andre: I would be doing my honours in Bio Chemistry.
Rupert: I'm busy studying photography so I would obviously be doing that.
Rudi: I would probably still be in advertising
Reg: I would be in air traffic control. That was the reason for my air traffic control career to go into shambles because of the band.

Any regrets?

Reg:No, no at first it was like I went through hell to get this job studied hard and had to go and live in Boksburg to study for 9 months.
Andre: You didn't get fired for being hung-over or anything?
Reg: Ja but it was a direct consequence of being hung-over. It got to the point when it had to decide were my priorities were.

Do you make enough money to live off as a band?

Andre: We do well enough, it's not like we're stripping on our off days to make money.
Rudi: The more shows you play the more merchandise you make the more money you make. I'm not going to lie life is not bad when you're playing in a band. You can wake up a tad later then everyone else. But it's also getting to a stage when things become more serious. Like today is a very busy day for us we have this interview and then a public TV performance.

What's that for?

Rudi: It's for the Kids programmes called 1109 it on one of the SABC channels.

If you could be a superhero who would you be and why?

Reg:Invisible man

Andre: There's no such thing

Reg: There is of course.

Isn't it invisible women?

Rupert: Spiderman

Rudi: Does James Bond count as a super hero.

Andre: I would be either Batman or Iron man because they're well cool. Cause none of them have special powers and can make their own shit. It like that whole thing you don't have to have a power to be a super hero you can just make yourself one.

Best and worst things about being a musician?

Rudi: Cause we obviously doing what we love making music. Its cool being on a stage and entertaining people. And making your own schedule. And worst...
Andre: Sound checks.
Rudi: There is also when you make music a lot of hurry up and wait.
Andre: The second worst would be day 6 or 7 on tour when you just want to head butt each other and you miss your home. And you are hung-over for the 6th day in a row.
Rupert: And then playing shows to 15 people that's pretty kak.
Rudi: But that builds character. It's one of those things you have to push through it happens to all bands.

Future plans what's next up?

Rudi:World domination maybe no no I'm joking. Play as many shows as possible, release a new album sometime next year. We have been fortunate to get some decent festivals to play at.
Andre: We might be doing a single for a SA film coming out soon. That the coolest think we might be doing in the near future. It's a film called Spoon.

Message for your fans.

Reg: Thank you and come and party with us. I think that's what drives us the most it's not one sided we thrive on the energy. Its interactive it's like having sex it's got to come from both sides.

Let's do Biz