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Fokofpolisiekar documentary set for release in July

In 2003 an Afrikaans punk band was a laughable idea. Many thought the name crazy; and then the music came and many were enraged - publicly protesting "die bende" (the gang) who had the strength of their own voice and the desire to question And in a place where passion and brandy meet - many thousands became fans for life.
Through the controversy and chaos, FOKOFPOLISIEKAR rose above their detractors and initiated a change in how the media perceived them and portrayed them. Through the death threats and Christian backlash they stood tall - sentries for the right to identity, freedom of thought, and the raw and often unseemly right to express one's own truth. They unleashed a debate in the nation's Afrikaans community that sought finally to heal the wound or at the very least to acknowledge it.
FOKOFPOLISIEKAR is a story of courage, passion and belief that reverberates through the minds and hearts of their fans - a story that transcends language and culture; and bravely faces a truth… that most would've left in darkness.
FOKOFPOLISIEKAR will be screened at the Encounters Documentary Film Festival at Numetro Cinemas at the V&A Waterfront on the following dates:
Friday 3 July
Q/A with the film makers after the movie
Thursday 9 July
Q/A with the film makers after the movie
Monday 13 July
Saturday 18 July