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Artscape Youth Jazz Festival 2009
On Saturday, 6 June 2009 from 15:00 to 18:00 at the Artscape Theatre three bands selected for the programme - Public Attention (Vredenburg),Touch (Bergvliet) and Ological Studies (Mowbray) will showcase their work at the Youth Jazz Festival which also features their mentors - Melanie Scholtz, Keith Tabisher, Andrew Lilley and Kevin Gibson.
This annual event is sold out every year because of the extraordinary talent and high standard of performance, so best to book your tickets in advance.
Marlene Le Roux - Director of Artscape Audience Development and Education mentions says that; "Artscape initiated this project in recognition of the enormous amount of raw talent there is nationally, particularly in Cape Town where there is a Jazz tradition. Because most of the musicians did not have the opportunity of music as a subject at school they were unable to read music. The project consequently started out as a development programme working with individual jazz musicians.
"Realising that mentorship with the individuals needed a different platform as the youngsters returned to their bands as empowered musicians, but the band did not grow with them. It was now important to look at band development and so we contracted well known professional figures in the jazz world that were also be able to teach. The programme today prepares our emerging professionals for the challenging arts arena they hope to enter and ensures respect for their role models who paved the way for them.
"Artscape believes that the effective engagement with youth and their participation in society is crucial to consolidating democracy."
Melanie Scholtz, head mentor and artistic director says; "The main aim is to highlight the development and growth of all the bands and mentors involved. The repertoire choice is to teach the tradition of jazz and to inform these young musicians of the roots of where most modern pop music comes from and designing it so that they open up their ears and hearts to the jazz tradition." Project Manager is Tarnia van Zitters from Artscape.
Tickets cost R50. Book through Computicket, Artscape Dial-a-Seat 021 421-7695, Shoprite Checkers outlets and online www.computicket.com. There are discounts for students and block bookings.
This project is generously supported by Artscape and Distell.