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Fishing for Gold at Spier
Spier was buzzing with a great mixed crowd and we had not even been there 10 minutes yet before Miss Sindy had been proposed to by a young lad. Who was later seen being escorted off the stage by security, perhaps he didn't take the rejection too well.

Jazzy pop band Jac Sharp performed for the crowd before we all trooped in to the main arena. We have slated Jac Sharp somewhat in the past; finding them a bit dull and a little too pop but last Friday night they really proved us wrong and impressed with their slick and classy jazzy tunes. Perhaps it was the addition of Raiven Hansmann on sax from ska band 7th Son as well as lead Juliet Harding's talented vocal abilities that took the band to that next level and made them such a great addition to and warm up for the Fishes.

We were quite worried that we would have to limit ourselves to swaying in our seats at the concert arena and who heard of sitting down while at a Goldfish concert but luckily as soon as the first notes of their songs could be heard everyone was off their seats and dancing like there was no tomorrow.

As expected Goldfish put on a slick visually and aurally inspiring show. They were joined on stage by two guest artists including the talented Max Vidima who proclaimed them the best electronic dance act in Africa and how can one disagree, with many awards under their belts and 8 SAMA nominations this year, the fishies are golden. Goldfish is dance music with soul and substance add to this the evident passion for music and joy of performing that both Dominic and David display and it is no wonder why they have been so successful both locally and internationally.