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#MusicExchange: Desmond & The Tutus
A band that needs little introduction, Desmond & The Tutus have released a remastered version of their debut album Tuckshop in celebration of their 10-year anniversary. It features a new recording of Kiss You. I caught up with the band's guitarist Douglas Bower last week for a fun interview.

When answering questions which challenge my existential

What does music mean to you?
Opportunity, connection, money, ego, sound, rebellion.
What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work?
Referring to being a musician as a JOB.
What drives you: ego or humility?
Craig usually drives us. But he is driven by humility. So we are so humble. So humble.
Any funny moments on stage?
Have you been to a Desmond and The Tutus show? It’s a non-stop rollercoaster of “funny moments” from start to finish, but if you are asking for an anecdote of slapstick humour specifically all I can say is all three of us have, at one point, split our pants on stage? So.
Your heroes?
All dead.
Which living person do you admire most and why?
Ruth Cooper, the number one most read contributor on Bizcommunity.
What is your most treasured possession?
Our humility, oh, and Craig’s car.

It’s your round, what are you drinking?
The blood of our enemies.
Dream gig to do?
Bizcommunity end-of-year function. Heard it gets rad.
What makes you stand out?
We all look EXACTLY the same.
Craig – Shane
Shane - Craig
Doug – Dad, sometimes daddy
If you were not a musician, what would you do?
Be unemployed.
Pick five words to describe yourself?
Humble, libidinal, non-committal (technically still one word), great, and funky.
Greatest movie ever made?
According to us, Space Jam.
What song changed your life?
Who Do You Love? by Bo Diddley.
Whom do you love?
Bo Diddley.
Favourite fashion garment?
HATS HATS HATS and socks.
Give us some real proper slang and what it means?
Legh (a) - pronounced lé with a soft almost pronounced å at the end. Meaning –
1. Lekker (Afrikaans) - nice, good, pleasant.
2. Slightly intoxicated
Credit - Peach van Pletzen and Matthieu Auriacombe (Van Pletzen).
Top of your bucket list?
Honestly, bucket lists are for people with jobs. Everything we want to do, we just do, we have LOTS of free time.
Your greatest achievement?
Trending on Twitter for 24 hours after the Sama awards.
What do you complain about most often?
Not being recognised as the third best indie rock band in the country.
What is your fear?
Going to prison.
Happiness is?
A construct of your mind, not an external influence.
On stage, I tend to?
Rip my pants.
If you're walking on stage for a keynote speech like Barack Obama, what song would you use and why?
Oh sh*t, is that a possibility? Could you pull some strings for us? We’d love to open for BO. I imagine the crowd wouldn’t really get why we were playing so it would have to be a cover of something pertinent to the occasion. Perhaps World in Union ft. PJ Powers.
Where would you like to be right now?
Opening for Barack Obama.
Wishes and dreams for the future?
We really want to open for Barack Obama, so if you know anyone who would help us out, don’t hold out on us.

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