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The Bolshoi of the circus world comes to town
Circus royalty comes to Cape Town when The Great Moscow Circus opens at GrandWest on Friday. It stars the official Moscow-based Rosgoscirk (Russian State Circus Company), the biggest circus company in the world with national status as high as the Bolshoi Ballet - its performers have to be as highly trained! Its general director is People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Kalmykov.

The rubber-jointed Maria Sarach and her hand-balancing and contortion act is gymnastics at its most entertaining.
“About 1800 artistes tour all year round; 51 Russians and a troupe of six Chinese acrobats are entertaining audiences in South Africa,” said juggler Mikhail Ivanov. He forms a double act with his wife, giving new meaning to marital togetherness as they juggle a variety of objects while riding a bicycle wheel with no seat, handlebars or brakes.
The company is touring with 10 tons of props, including three motorbikes specially designed for a human foot-juggling act, a 40-foot container carrying ring boxes that make up the circus ring, and a special red carpet used in all Russian circuses.
2006 ticket prices
Audiences should expect the unexpected (at 2006 ticket prices). The Akilov Flying Trapeze will perform the first dual horizontal and vertical trapeze act to be seen in South Africa, thanks largely to the height and technical capabilities of a venue that can cater for the special rigging requirements. Other highlights include a combination of the Baibak horizontal bar and a trampoline, daring acrobatics, and the strength and agility of the Yinchuan Chinese Acrobatic Troupe. The rubber-jointed Maria Sarach will demonstrate just how she masters her physical limitations.
Some of these Russian artistes come from circus families, training on the ground so to speak, while others have trained at one of the highly respected circus institutions in Russia. Four years' training, which includes ballet for increased grace and fluidity of movement, acrobatics, gymnastics and circus history, is a minimum requirement for a professional career.
Audition from 12 years old
Circus hopefuls must audition to join the Moscow Circus School, formed in 1927, from the age of 12, or the Centre of Circus Art (also known as Circus Studio), which opened in 1974. The latter belongs to Rosgoscirk. “About 330 pupils are currently training at the Circus School and another 80 at the Circus Studio alone,” said Ivanov.
In addition, students can work in the stationary circus buildings in the bigger cities. “There are 32 circus buildings in Russia's main centres, as well as a few portable circus tents and a travelling zoo,” circus manager Boris Maikhrovskiy said.
The Moscow Circus School exists separately from all Russian circuses, under the guidance of the Russian Ministry of Education. They learn different disciplines from the outset, choosing their speciality in their third year. Each summer, the school puts on a show for the public to showcase their students' progress.
Only the best
Some graduates now perform for Cirque du Soleil. “While acts are prepared especially for Rosgoscirk, employment within the company is not guaranteed to graduates,” said Maikhrovskiy. Only the best are invited to join and they are expected to deliver nothing less than perfection.
Students can work as soon as they graduate and their salary, which covers 20 shows per month, is dependent on their ability and difficulty of tricks. It is possible to retire after 15 to 20 years.
The circus will be at the GrandWest Grand Arena in Cape Town from 16 to 27 April, 2010. Discounted tickets are available for children and pensioners. For further information and show times, go to www.computicket.co.za.