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SNL with New Boy at the New Space
New Boy, an acclaimed UK play adapted from the novel by William Sutcliffe and directed by Russell Labey, opened to a sold out New Space Theatre in Long Street last Thursday night. Starring SA actors Stephen Jubber, Nicole Franco, Clive Gilson and Dylan Edy, New Boy is a coming-of-age story about an adolescent boy questioning his sexuality and sexual preferences, and contains scenes with sex, nudity and strong language. Though the SNL of course adds some racy content, the production is also funny and touching, and deals with real issues with regards to growing up and discovering who you really are.

Clive Gilson gives an accomplished and nuanced performance as Mark a wisecracking and socially-awkward 17-year-old boy, who begins to discover that he is attracted and has feelings for his best friend and school buddy Barry. Barry, played by Stephan Jubber, is the hottest boy in school and has no problems with the opposite sex, much to Mark's initial excitement, and racks up a fair number of conquests during the first half of the play, including his French teacher Mrs Mumford, played by Nicole Franco. Franco, however, for me was a low point in the production, somewhat overdramatic and over the top, her performance seemed at odds with the more real and raw performances given by the other cast members, who include Dylan Edy, who plays Mark's older brother, and Gahlia Philips, who gives a small but feisty performance as Louise, Barry's sister.
New Boy, as a whole, is a fairly good production, which is mainly due to Clive Gilson's delivery of a tight-and-funny script, but at times falls a little flat with the story seeming a little too rushed and undeveloped. However, it is an entertaining play that will have you giggling and blushing, and should be seen if only for a shower scene involving the very beautiful Stephan Jubber.
New Boy runs until 15 November 2009 at the New Space Theatre. Performances are from Mondays to Fridays at 8pm, with a matinee show at 5pm on Saturdays. Tickets range from R95 to R130 via Computicket and Mondays are “buy one get one free” nights via 021 422 5522.