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The Garden Court Theatre reopens

Celebrity couple Kim Cloete and Loukmaan Adams fell in love with the theatre - both their first love - and have taken on a year-long lease on the 50-year-old historical gem.
The pair will be producing many shows during the course of the next few months and they will also collaborate on stage for the first time. They will also be bringing back the highly successful production of My Wonderyears, the Loukmaan Adams story, written and directed by the pair.
This intimate 160-seat theatre is drenched in history and situated in one of the oldest multicultural suburbs in Cape Town. It will once again reclaim its place as a space dedicated for uncensored and experimental pieces, notwithstanding great entertainment value.
Originally The City Lights Theatre - from a farmhouse to a House of Mercy - it was founded and funded by Bishop Giray and Archdeacon Lightfoot. Over many years the home served as a sanctuary for orphans, young mothers and their children.