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A vibrant view of Cape Town at the Commodore Hotel
A nautical theme is evident throughout the hotel décor (something I personally love) and the recent refurbishment has seen subtle upgrades which have done wonders to keep the Commodore looking and feeling like the flagship hotel that it is. The immaculate lobby leads off in various directions: to the right you’ll find a boardroom for business meetings as well as the elevator to the rooms, spa, and gym. To the left, you’ll find conference rooms and facilities, and heading straight will see you head through the comfort of a lounge area (with big, puffy couches and an amazingly warm fire blazing in the fireplace) to the Clipper restaurant, which is beautifully adorned with more maritime décor.
Comfy quarters and never-ending views
We were received at check-in with a friendly greeting and sincere welcoming attitude, making us feel right at home, whereafter we made our way up to our room, which was at the end of a long cruise ship-like corridor, where a sweet welcome note and treats were waiting for us.
Upon entering the room, there was an instantaneous sense of warmth and comfort. Past the bathroom, sunlight streamed through the glass balcony doors into the bedroom and onto the luxuriously soft bed. The balcony doors opened up to reveal the absolute best part of the room – a breathtaking view of Table Mountain, Cape Town harbour and part of the city and the V&A Waterfront.
As we sipped on a cup of freshly brewed coffee, we watched as the sky changed colour with the sultry winter sun sinking behind the horizon – time for dinner!
Dinner anchored in cosiness
Completely submerged in the comfort of the room, we opted for room service. The menu offers a vast array of dishes to suit practically any craving you may have. The lamb shank sounded divine (cooked till meat falls off the bone, accompanied by mash, roasted veg and golden onion rings), so that’s what my guest and I both ordered, along with a New York cheesecake and nougat parfait for dessert. Room service arrived after a short wait and was delivered with a smile. The lamb was spectacular – falling off the bone and just delicious – and offered a very generous (massive) portion.
Sufficiently stuffed, we enjoyed one last glance at the beauty of the view under the night sky. It was time to turn in for the night, but not before being wished a pleasant night’s sleep accompanied with chocolates from the Commodore’s hospitable staff.
Morning voyage
Waking up to the amazing view and the sound of seagulls outside was a treat, although the new day meant it was time to bid the hotel farewell – after breakfast of course. Down to the Clipper restaurant we went, where a breakfast banquet beckons all its guests to celebrate the dawn of a new day with a feast of all the breakfast foods you can think of, from fresh fruits and yogurt to bacon and eggs or delectable pastries.
With fresh bread on our plates, we waited in line to choose our toppings and have our omelette creations cooked or us. The chef busily cooking two omelettes at a time, beamed at each patron while taking the greatest care to create an enjoyable meal for each one.
After breakfast, it was time to check out and hit the road again, but the Commodore Hotel will forever navigate our hearts after a truly convivial experience.

Contact the Commodore Hotel:
Contact number+ 27 (0) 21 415 1000
Email address:
Physical address: PortsWood Rd, Portwood Square, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town