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Col'Cacchio hands over R120 000
The inaugural Col'Cacchio pizzeria Celebrity Chef Series, a six-month charity project, raised over R120 000 for the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital that will go towards the purchase of specialised medical equipment for the new operating theatre.

Six of South Africa's top chefs were each invited to create their own unique pizza; selecting from Col'Cacchio pizzeria's wide range of available ingredients and including one mystery item. The celebrity chefs who participated in the challenge - Philippe Wagenfuhrer, Mike Bassett, Citrum Khumalo, Reuben Riffel, Margot Janse and Rudi Liebenberg received an overwhelming response from diners at all 17 restaurants and all six pizzas captured a different taste or experience with their innovative combinations. “We will be including some of the celebrity chef pizzas on our new menu in November.” commented director Kinga Baranowska.
10 000 pizzas sold
Director of Col'Cacchio pizzeria Holdings, Michael Terespolsky commented: “We are ecstatic to hand over the dough today, which amounted to a grand total of R121 000. This translated to an unbelievable amount of over 10 000 pizzas being sold and included donations from our generous franchise owners, celebrity chefs and sponsors of the campaign: Parmalat, Feast, La Marina Foods and Vrede en Lust.”