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These independent food businesses are still operating during #SALockdown
Cape Town
Abalobi Fisheries
This small scale fishery is doing a #stayathome delivery around the CBD and southern suburbs. Download their app and follow them online for all the information you need.
Keep up to date: @abalobi_app
The store is open as well as delivery options, have a look online for all their products available.
Keep up to date: @atlastradingcompany
Ché Gourmet
Offers free delivery nationwide for their immune-boosting fermented food like kimchi, follow Che Gourmet online to follow their fermentation and kimchi workshops. Call or email Ché for more information on 072 125 1804 and
Keep up to date: @chegourmet
Doorstep Dairyman
Delivering dairy to your door, shop here to add to your cart and checkout.
Keep up to date: Doorstep Dairyman
Dalebrook Café
Kalk Bay locals, Dalebrook Cafe has you sorted with deliveries and an open store stocked with groceries. Monday to Sunday from 9am to 2pm. Have a look online for more information or contact Charmaine on 083 234 0178.
Keep up to date: @dalebrookcafe
Egg ‘n Shoulders
Is making their next delivery available on 1 and 2 April. Have a look at the menu and email or DM on Instagram for your orders
Keep up to date: @eggnshoulders
Are continuing with orders and deliveries during the lockdown, support your local farms by getting in contact with foodflowza to get your harvest bag of fruit and veg.
Keep up to date: @foodflowza
Frankie Fenner Meat Merchants
The Gardens Centre branch, Woodstock branch, Palmyra branch is staying open during lockdown for you to go stock up as well as home deliveries, go online here to order.
Keep up to date: @frankiefennermeatmerchants
Is doing delivery during the lockdown, have a look online to see what Fresch has to offer.
Keep up to date: @freschonline
Giovanni’s Deli world
Is trading from 9am to 5pm Monday to Sunday for ready-made meals and groceries.
Keep up to date:@giovannisdeliworld
Granadilla Swim
“Bringing immune-boosting goodness to your doorstep.” Fresh Aglio pasta, colourful veggie boxes, fresh Woodstock sourdough and Sunn kombucha are available for you to order online with a one to two-day delivery time. Have a look on Granadilla Swim to stock up on the fresh goods that you need.
Keep up to date: @granadilla.eats
Grafted Organics
For all things organic, get your organic goodies by ordering online, deliveries to northern suburbs and West Coast areas on Wednesday, southern suburbs and city bowl on Thursdays, see more online.
Keep up to date: Grafted Organic
Nude Foods
Continue shopping at your plastic-free grocer for essential items, Nude Foods will be open during the week only from 9am to 4pm. By supporting this grocer you will also be supporting small local farmers and small food businesses.
Keep up to date: @nudefoods.co.za
Doors are still open for you to support the local farmers that Sans community supports, make your way in-store or pre-order your order for quick pick up. Email to make your orders for pick up or give them a call on 021 205 4555 for door-to-door delivery if you are in the Atlantic seaboard area.
Keep up to date: @sanscommunity
Sepial’s Kitchen
Is making delicious immune booster soups for you to order for delivery. Click here for their order form. Get your order in before the 2nd April for delivery on Friday, while stocks last.
Keep up to date: @sepialskitchen
Terra Madre
Have produce boxes from Elgin for you to order via for Monday deliveries only.
Keep up to date: @terramadre_elgin
The Blue Café
Is staying open for the Tamboerskloof community, their neighbourhood grocery and fresh home made goods are available for pick up, pop them an email at or call 021 426 0250.
Keep up to date: @bluecafe_
Theonista Kombucha via Faithful to Nature, Nude Foods and Blue Café
Is supplying to reachable suppliers that are staying open for you during this lockdown as well as their very own free delivery, make your order on Google forms.
Keep up to date: @theonista
The Olive Branch Deli
The Olive Branch Deli in the Lifestyle Center on Kloof is open to pick up your essential seasonal and artisan products. Contact the Olive Branch Deli.
Keep up to date:@olivebranchdeli
The Greenhouse Grocer
In-store from Tuesday to Friday from 12pm to 4pm and same-day delivery on Tuesday to Friday from 4.30pm onwards. The Greenhouse Grocer is based in Kenilworth, have a look online for what is available. https://www.facebook.com/thegreenhousegrocer/
Keep up to date: https://www.instagram.com/thegreenhousegrocer/
Is continuing delivery as per normal with precautionary measures in place, specifically in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Make sure to check your area before you order. Have a look at their meal kits and menu here.
Keep up to date: @ucooksa
Will be supplying food essentials contact the team on 021 801 3663 or email food@wildpeacock.co.za, two-day delivery lead time for all deliveries with the Western Cape.
Keep up to date: @wildpeacockproducts
Wild Organics
Shop at Wild Organics for a Standard Bag, Mini bag and Make your own bag. Their next delivery is scheduled for the 1st & 2nd April, so be sure to get your order in before then.
Keep up to date: @wild_organics
Wild Sprout Wholefoods Eatery
This organic grocer is open from Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 3pm. Supplying fresh fruit and veg, deli goods, homemade frozen meals, gluten / vegan / free range, sweet treats, nuts, seeds and fresh breads. Need any of the above, go to Wild sprout online to have a look and visit them in store.
Keep up to date: @wildsproutcpt
Crisp Meals SA
Is still delivering in JHB during the lockdown, look online or send a message to 064 739 9627 to order their freezer meals, juices and smoothies.
Keep up to date: @crispmealssa
Jackson’s Real Food Market
This health food store is open during lockdown via one cart, in-store or by WhatsApp. Browse online to see what is available.
Keep up to date: @jacksons_real_food_market
Based in JHB, making fresh fish available and deli goods, have a look at the online deli page to make your order here.
Keep up to date: @lamarinafoods
Mbewu Fresh Produce
Has a variety of farm-fresh fruit and veg for you to choose from for delivery follow them online to make an order.
Keep up to date: MbewuProduce
The Refillery
Is open during lockdown from 9am-5pm from Monday to Friday to stock up on your essential pantry needs. Shop at for delivery.
Keep up to date: @therefillerysa
To submit independently-owned food businesses to the list email az.oc.h-oiduts@h.