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Applications for CASP funding now open
This funding aims to provide support to farmers in our province so that the agricultural sector can contribute meaningfully to the economy of the province - through job creation and food security.

Western Cape Provincial Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer is prioritising farmer support and development.
The process is one of the ways in which the WCDoA extends its services to farmers through its commodity-focused approach. The department has adopted a commodity-based approach since 2009. It is an arrangement that draws in multiple spheres of government and the private sector, each understanding their unique roles, working from the same plan, toward achieving the same outcomes.
The strategic goal of this programme is to create a favourable and supportive agricultural service environment for the farming community including subsistence, smallholder and black commercial farmers.
Interested smallholder, subsistence and black commercial farmers can obtain a request form from their local WCDoA office or download it online. Qualifying criteria, conditions and departmental contact number can also be viewed on the website.
Potential applicants are encouraged to also make contact with their nearest WCDoA office for guidance and support. They are reminded to submit their completed form at their nearest office within the required time frame, accompanied by all the required compliance documentation as per the checklist in the application form. Once the application is received, the department will confirm receipt in writing and advise further on the process.
All applications must be submitted by 31 July 2020.