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Nurses challenged to serve with dignity
"They must enable individuals and communities to enhance their wellness, as we progressively focus our services towards prevention programmes out of hospitals and clinics into communities and involving communities in the identification of students, we want to have nurses who can take the time to counsel and educate," said Dr Dhlomo.
He said nurses are the healthcare professionals closest to patients and they send a clear message that they can arm people with the knowledge to help them make critical lifestyle changes.
"They are a solid rock on which any progress in achieving our health related MDG commitments will be made.
"They are a foundation to ensure that no woman dies giving life, it is with committed nurses, supported by communities and a people-centred health system that we will ensure that every born child reaches the age of five years healthy and well developed," he said.
International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.
The International Council of Nurses commemorates this important day each year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses' Day Kit, containing educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.
This year's International Nurses Day will be celebrated under the theme: Closing The Gap: Increasing Access and Equity.
Dhlomo will on Thursday join the commemorative event organised by the Democratic Nurses Organisation of South Africa, which will be held at Edendale Hospital.
Source: SAnews.gov.za

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