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Tips to keep schoolkids healthy, from brain to body
"Scientists estimate that 80% of all infectious diseases are transmitted through hands, so it's important for children to learn to keep their hands clean all year long," said renowned paediatrician and author of more than 40 books on childcare, William Sears, M.D. "Soap and water are not always accessible throughout the school day, so an effective way to keep hands clean and germ-free is to use an antibacterial wipe like Wet Ones hand wipes, which parents can pack in lunchboxes and book bags."
In addition to teaching children about clean hands, parents can follow other simple tips to start the new school year off on the right foot. Dr. Sears offers the following five tips to keep students healthy, from brain to body:
1. Begin the Day with a Brainy Breakfast: Children who start the day with a "brainy breakfast" that includes protein, fibre-filled carbs, Omega-3 fats and minerals like calcium and iron, do better in school and have fewer sick days.
2. Keep Hands Clean: The first and easiest line of defence against the spread of germs is washing hands often, but when soap and water are not available, antibacterial wipes like Wet Ones hand wipes are an effective alternative. Wet Ones antibacterial wipes are proven to be just as effective as gel hand sanitiser in killing 99.99% of germs but they also clean away dirt and messes and won't dry out skin like alcohol-based hand sanitisers. Keep them around the house, in lunchboxes and in pockets.
3. Feed Your Child Immune-Boosting Foods: The best way to boost the immune system is to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, seafood and yogurt.
4. Keep Little Noses and Sinuses Clear: Germs often settle first in the nose and sinuses, so it's important to keep kids' nasal passages clear by either flushing them out with a saltwater solution or loosening secretions with a facial steamer or vaporiser.
5. Keep Your Children Active: Movement mobilises the immune system. Kids who sit too much - especially indoors - get sick more often. Movement also mellows the mood, as stress depresses the immune system.
Source: Playtex Products, LLC