M.A.P Asia launches at The Festival of Media Asia

100% of M.A.P entrants say they "benefited" from the scheme and an amazing 40% of M.AP entering companies actually do business at The Festival of Media.
M.A.P is designed to give you the opportunity to:
Pitch in front of 600/700 of the most senior people at the biggest brands and agencies in the Asian market
Network with the most exciting companies in media and marketing
Promote your business at the only media event dedicated to the Southeast Asia media industry
Could you be The Festival of Media Asia "Hot Company of the Year"? Check out the web site to find out more and enter online today.
Entry deadline is Friday 8 February 2013.
The M.AP screening panel features key industry figures including:
Philip Beck, CEO, Dubeta Venture Capital, China
Barry Cupples, CEO, Omnicom Media Group, Singapore
Bernhard Glock, partner, MediaLink, USA/India
Chiradeep Gupta, Media Innovation Manager, Unilever, Singapore
Check out previous M.A.P presentations for inspiration.
Book your place at The Festival of Media Asia for your chance to see these exciting new companies in action.
Follow the conversation as it unfolds live on Twitter @FestivalofMedia and don't forget to use the hashtag #FOMA13.