From left to right: Ieghsan Lucas – TransPeninsula Investments, Ghaalid Behardien – TransPeninsula Investments, Andre Erasmus – Kidrogen and Jacques du Preez – Provantage Out of Home Media
The MyCiti bus system was built from scratch, a huge undertaking which took many years of planning. Many strategies and feasibility studies were undertaken for improving and extending the public transport system. The City of Cape Town studied BRT systems worldwide and consulted with international specialists. BRT systems share common features, but the ones that were the most appropriate models were from South America, the continent that introduced the BRT concept.
The City's transport planners saw BRT as an important part of a wider integrated transport strategy that incorporated every form of transport from walking to private cars. Hence the referral to an integrated rapid transport system - IRT.
Since 2007 the City of Cape Town has been working on the first phase of an Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) system, aimed at significantly improving public transport in the city. The first leg of this IRT system is designed in a way that allows for integration with other modes, especially rail, which is the backbone of public transport in Cape Town.
Bus advertising is a desired media platform in Cape Town, an area where traditional Outdoor and Out of Home is very restricted. In total 237 buses, 366 bus shelters and a number of stations will be available to advertisers. The exposure is enormous as buses travel on metropolitan routes that are highly visible to motorists and pedestrians and both locals and tourists.
"We are extremely excited to be able to offer such a sought after advertising platform in the Cape Town area, where Out of Home platforms are very limited. The advertising rights will be of enormous benefit to our clients," says Jacques du Preez, MD of Provantage.
The MyCiti network is being developed in phases. Phase 1 has included the City Centre, Inner City and V&A Waterfront, Table View and Cape Town International Airport. In 2013, eight new routes will be launched. These will link the Central City with Woodstock, Salt River, City Bowl Suburbs and the Atlantic Seaboard Suburbs.
Phase 2 will extend to the south east parts of Cape Town to include Mitchell's Plain and Khayelitsha and destinations across the Peninsula. The next phases will include Bellville, Delft, the Northern Suburbs and Stellenbosch and the Greater Helderberg area.
The entire system will take approximately 15 to 20 years to complete, with each phase being built as funds become available.
For more information contact Jacques du Preez az.oc.egatnavorp@pdj or 0861 776 826.