Provantage Out of Home Media, in partnership with ACSA, is rolling out a fully-fledged digital television network in nine airports nationwide. The major project will ensure that all of the nine airports in South Africa offer relevant and engaging content on hundreds of screens in high traffic areas.
In each airport there are four high traffic and dwell zones, namely security check in, departure areas, luggage carousels and meet and greet areas. The channel is designed to optimise the dwell time in these four key viewing areas. Airports are the ideal area for advertising to the upper LSM consumer as the majority of travellers are influential with a median age of 39. What's more, 61% are business travellers and 89% are decision makers.

Jacques du Preez, MD of Provantage, with Haroon Jeena, Group Executive Commercial ACSA provides advertisers with access to a captive audience, which in today's fragmented media world is becoming very sought after. Travellers spend, on average, more than an hour in these dwell zones, where there is zero tune out and where they have no remote controls. In other words, they are fully engaged with the content and commercials on the screens.
The large network of interlinked screens, featuring high quality visual and audio, will have on the minute live content updates. Content will include news, business, sports, travel, cars, fashion, food - all specifically tailored for the target market. This entertaining, engaging and relevant content will be interspersed with commercials. What we have found globally is that out of home media platforms need to add value to commuters and consumers to be truly effective and valued - and the content provided aims to achieve exactly that. Each commercial will run for 10 to 30 seconds and a variety of advertising packages will ensure that brands receive maximum reach, frequency, engagement and response.
"South Africa is ready for There was a gap in the market and we took it. We invested in state of the art technology and set up a massive infrastructure to ensure that advertisers can now reach well over two million high LSM viewers a month and therefore receive the best service and the best return on investment. Digital out of home media is the fastest growing out of home media format, globally. We are following global trends and advertiser demand and are therefore extremely excited to launch and to be driving innovation in the out of home industry," says Jacques du Preez, MD of Provantage Out of Home Media.
The Facts delivers exceptional value!
Channel Overview
- The Network is managed and controlled by Provantage.
- The operating hours are 05:00 - 24:00 every day of the week.
- There is a 55/45 ads to content split.
- Commercials are updated daily with content updated hourly.
- Content includes sport, fashion, tourism, travel, technology, restaurants, cars, news headlines, sports headlines, weather banner and traffic updates. Key indicators and the top five business stories will also be flighted.
- Content can also be modified per region, with specific programming and advertising.
- The channel is designed to optimise the dwell time in four key viewing areas in all Domestic Departures & Arrivals areas.
- Each commercial will be flighted full screen and will enjoy screen exclusivity for the duration of the commercial. The commercial will be 10'' - 30'' in duration.
For more information contact Jacques du Preez on 0861 776 826 or az.oc.egatnavorp@pdj.