With its extensive experience in taking brands to consumers through its Shoppa Show offering, Provantage saw the opportunity to create a bigger, better and more dynamic experience with the Super Show Rig. The rig is self powered and sets up quickly as the elements are all hydraulically controlled lifting and folding out at the touch of a button. On closure the Super Show Rig is compact ensuring that it can be moved in and out of any venue. The 2.4m x 1.9m outdoor LED screen allows for live feeds at the event, celebrity endorsement as well as commercials to be played. What's more, integrated mobile applications and interactive games supporting the campaign are now possible thanks to the new technology the rig employs.

"With the new Super Show Rig, a new layer of professional gloss and energy has been added to experiential marketing. We are proud to offer this amazing product to our existing and new clients, further enhancing the Provantage marketing mix." says Charisse White, Head of Activation.