Africans call on global community to honour commitment to 'just, inclusive' energy transitionNJ Ayuk 25 Oct 2021
Solar panels on half the world's roofs could meet its entire electricity demand - new researchSiddharth Joshi, James Glynn and Shivika Mittal 12 Oct 2021
China will no longer build overseas coal power plants - what energy projects will it invest in instead?Yixian Sun 4 Oct 2021
Banning fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa could slow the transition to renewable energySamuel Ayokunle Olówósejéjé 16 Jul 2021
Solar panels in Sahara could boost renewable energy but damage the global climate - here's whyZhengyao Lu and Benjamin Smith 12 Feb 2021
Grid or solar: looking for the best energy solution for the rural poorJörg Peters and Maximiliane Sievert 30 Dec 2020