Neo Technological Zone Enterprises
Most popular Sports articles with better designs and high quality materials are manufacturing by our company. Have 10 years successful experience in the field of Sports and continuously satisfying customers.
Type of company: | Manuafacturer, Exporter, Supplier |
Primary business: | Sports & Recreational Goods |
Services: | Graphics Designing, Pattern Designer, Illustration, Sample Development, CAD CAM |
Employees: | 15 |
Contact: | Salman Malik |
Tel: | +92-52-4273843 |
Fax: | +92-52-3241551 |
Cell: | +92-333-4558401 |
Web address: | |
Physical address: | 51-Ali Park, New Civil Lines, Sialkot, Punjab, 51310 |
Kabir Sports | SIALKOT | football,soccer ball,mini ball,promo ball,match ba |
Neo Technological Zone Enterprises | Sialkot | Sports & Recreational Goods |
Prosperous Industries | Sialkot | Sports Gear, Sports Uniforms, Sports Appreal |
Water Tank Leakage Seepage Repairing Services | Karachi | Direct Services |