Libyans furious at revelations that warnings went unheeded before floodTom Perry and Angus McDowall 18 Sep 2023
Ethiopia claims disputed GERD dam has reached final fillDawit Endeshaw and Moaz Abd-Alaziz 11 Sep 2023
Cameroon to start building railway to disputed iron ore project in AugustAmindeh Blaise Atabong 8 Jun 2023
African architects challenge Venice exhibition to decolonise and start new conversationsTomà Berlanda 25 May 2023
Grand infrastructure projects aren't a magic bullet for industrial development - insights from Ghana and KenyaSeth Schindler and Tom Gillespie 22 May 2023
Buildings left standing in Turkey offer design guidance for future earthquake-resilient constructionOsman Ozbulut 5 Apr 2023