Mystery disease identified as severe malaria - DRC health ministryYassin Kombi and Anait Miridzhanian
What I've learnt about drug testing in Nigeria over the last 20 yearsSunday Olakunle Idowu 18 Feb 2020
Africa needs specialist capacity to tackle the spread of infectious diseasesJuliet Pulliam & Jonathan Dushoff 29 Jul 2019
Killing mosquito larvae can contribute towards malaria eliminationTiaan de Jager & Taneshka Kruger 30 May 2019
#WorldMalariaDay: As a Malian, the slogan 'zero malaria starts with me' has special meaningMamadou Coulibaly 25 Apr 2019
Cyclone Idai is over - but its health effects will be felt for a long timeKerrigan McCarthy & Lucille Blumberg 15 Apr 2019
Why does malaria recur? How pieces of the puzzle are slowly being filled inMiles B Markus 17 Jan 2019