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Research & Development
New food technologies could release 80% of the world's farmland back to nature

Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology
Earthshot Prize: 5 winners that will help solve major environmental problems

Construction & Engineering
Building on new risks: construction in the age of greening

Architecture & Design
5 ways drones will change the way buildings are designed

Climate Change
COP27 will be remembered as a failure - here's what went wrong
Mark Maslin, Priti Parikh, Richard Taylor, Simon Chin-Yee 22 Nov 2022

Retail Marketing
Ye and Adidas break up: Why brand marriages sometimes go bad

Climate Change
Climate change framed as battle for survival at COP27
William James, Valerie Volcovici and Simon Jessop 8 Nov 2022

Sustainable Development
#GBCSA2022: Social justice and the built environment's role in confronting the climate crisis
Sindy Peters 7 Nov 2022

Climate Change
Here's what to expect at COP27
Víctor Resco de Dios and Miguel Ángel de Zavala Gironés 3 Nov 2022