Biofuel: How new microalgae technologies can hasten the end of our reliance on oilCallum Russell 29 Mar 2022
Russia's nuclear power exports: Will they stand the strain of the war in Ukraine?Hartmut Winkler 7 Mar 2022
Shell, BP and ExxonMobil have done business in Russia for decades - here's why they're leaving nowYan Anthea Zhang 4 Mar 2022
An energy revolution is possible - but only if leaders get imaginative about how to fund itMichael Grubb 20 Jan 2022
Solar panels on half the world's roofs could meet its entire electricity demand - new researchSiddharth Joshi, James Glynn and Shivika Mittal 12 Oct 2021
China will no longer build overseas coal power plants - what energy projects will it invest in instead?Yixian Sun 4 Oct 2021
Uranium: what the explosion in prices means for the nuclear industryEdward Thomas Jones, Danial Hemmings, Simon Middleburgh 27 Sep 2021