Efficient project management reduces costs, drives innovation in property constructionKenneth Oigo 15 Apr 2019
The DRC and China's Sicomines: why future deals should be differentAndoni Maiza Larrarte & Gloria Claudio-Quiroga 3 Apr 2019
'World's worst environmental disaster' set to be repeated with controversial new dam in AfricaTimothy Clack 29 Nov 2018
Africa's roads are badly built, and there aren't enough. This can be fixedNathanial Matthews and Frank van Steenbergen 31 Oct 2018
Why Israeli police raided Nairobi offices of construction firmBrian Ngugi and James Kariuki 4 Apr 2018
Why China's audacious building plans could be a major strain on African economiesRicardo Reboredo 7 Sep 2017