Australia’s shot-hole borer beetle invasion has begun, but we don’t need to chop down every tree under attackTheo Evans and Bruce Webber
Global food system emissions alone threaten warming beyond 1.5°C - but we can act now to stop itJohn Lynch 9 Nov 2020
The fourth agricultural revolution is coming - but who will really benefit?David Rose and Charlotte-Anne Chivers 16 Sep 2020
The coronavirus pandemic requires us to understand food's murky supply chainsCory Searcy and Pavel Castka 6 Aug 2020
Smaller farmer's fields can reduce biodiversity loss and increase wild plants, birds, beetles and batsLenore Fahrig 13 Jul 2020
Coconut oil production threatens five times more species than palm oil - new findingsErik Meijaard 7 Jul 2020
Revolutionise food production system or face mass deforestation, scientists warnJulie Mollins 20 Feb 2020
Bumblebees in crisis: Insect's inner lives reveal what the world would lose if they disappear 14 Feb 2020