WAN-IFRA Magazine: Business Report and Decision-Makers' Guide 2012

That is the conclusion to be found in the recently-published January/February edition of WAN-IFRA Magazine, which examines how the business climate has developed over the past year and what is in store for this year in its annual Business Report.
This year will offer publishers a special opportunity to kick-start their new initiatives on a number of fronts, particularly on the advertising side, where ZenithOptimedia forecasts a slight increase in global ad spend.
"This acceleration in global ad expenditure in 2012 is the result of the 'quadrennial effect' and Japan's recovery from the effects of the earthquake in March. Every four years these events - the Summer Olympics, the European Football Championship and the US Presidential and other elections - provide a reliable boost to the global ad market. Without this extra stimulus, ad expenditure would grow 3.1% (in 2012), slightly less than 2011."
The magazine, published by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), also features its annual Decision-Makers' Guide in which many of the industry's most innovative minds offer advice on some of today's most critical issues facing publishers, such as paid content, tablet publishing, reader engagement, pricing, production savings and more.
The WAN-IFRA Magazine, available in print and ePaper editions, is the international journal of newspapers and news publishing. It is distributed to employees of WAN-IFRA's member media companies in nearly 80 countries, and subscribed to by hundreds of other publishing industry insiders and analysts.
To subscribe or learn more about the magazine, go to http://www.wan-ifra.org/magazine or contact subscription manager Iris von der Marwitz: (phone) +49 (0) 6151-733-791; (email) gro.arfi-naw@ztiwramdv.siri.
The latest issue also includes:
- Press Freedom... A report about the Ecuadorian government's strong-arm tactics with the press and the encouraging signing of the Declaration of Table Mountain in Niger.
manroland: Between despair and hope... By filing for insolvency in late November, manroland became another prominent victim of the crisis in the press manufacturing sector. Customers, business partners and competitors have a major interest in finding out what is going to happen to one of the largest suppliers on the world market.Future Press... WAN-IFRA relaunches this series of articles that focuses on the future of printing technology and the strategies that will help publishers and printers to improve and secure their printing activities.
Source: WAN-IFRA

WAN-IFRA, based in Paris, France, and Darmstadt, Germany, with subsidiaries in Singapore, India, Spain, France and Sweden, is the global organisation of the world’s newspapers and news publishers. It represents more than 18 000 publications, 15 000 online sites and over 3000 companies in more than 120 countries. The organisation was created by the merger of the World Association of Newspapers and IFRA, the research and service organisation for the news publishing industry.
Go to: http://www.wan-ifra.org