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ZACRAS establishes secretariat in Bulawayo

It noted with concern that Zimbabwe is the only country with no community radio stations functioning and believe that this has created uninformed communities that cannot take charge of what is happening around them. Lack of community radio stations has caused impoverishment, marginalisation of minority groups and the general lack of development.
Make use of the airwaves with or without licenses
ZACRAS further noted that the lack of licences has caused indignation from community radio initiatives scattered around the country since 2003. It advised while it welcomes the appointment of the Zimbabwe Media Commission, if the current situation continues to hold it will begin to encourage its membership to make use of the airwaves with or without licenses.
ZACRAS believes that community radios, scattered all over the country, will be able to disseminate information of concern to the specific communities at relevant times in local languages.
Disowns Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe
It has deplored the statements and promises made by politicians on the licensing issue. ZACRAS openly disowned the appointment of the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe its composition, and the values represented by its members.
ZACRAS is continuing its call on the inclusive government to free the airwaves and create an inclusive broadcasting scenario in the country.