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FAJ cautions Zambian government on media attacks
The African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalist (IFJ), has called on Zambian authorities to end attacks on the Zambian media immediately as they work to establish a self-regulatory mechanism.
FAJ President Omar Faruk Osman, in a press statement where the organisation condemned the Zambian government's intervention, described it as an attempt to intimidate and control the media.
According to the Zambian Union of Journalists (ZUJ), a FAJ affiliate, the government and the media started exchanging salvoes due a step taken by Zambian media organisations that are in the process of drafting a self-regulatory framework to set minimum standards on ethics, accuracy, personal rights while fully preserving editorial independence of the country's media.
But the Home Affairs Minister Mangani instead, directed the registrar of societies to investigate the legality of the Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) Executive Committee to deter the process.
ZUJ believes that the minister's threats are intended to deter other media organisations from supporting the self-regulation process, which is promoted by ZUJ.
The FAJ statement says Zambian journalists know best how to police their profession and government should not interfere in media affairs.
“We fully support Zambia Union of Journalists ZUJ's position and we call on the Zambian government to stop attacking the media," it says.
The FAJ says self-regulation will strengthen Zambian media as it will show they are accountable to the public they serve and can address concern pertaining to their work.
The FAJ represents over 36 journalists' unions in Africa.

About Gregory Gondwe
Gregory Gondwe is a Malawian journalist who started writing in 1993. He is also a media consultant assisting several international journalists pursuing assignments in Malawi. He holds a Diploma and an Intermediate Certificate in Journalism among other media-related certificates. He can be contacted on moc.liamg@ewdnogyrogerg. Follow him on Twitter at @Kalipochi.