Kom Clarkson, ve vant you in sunny Russia...

For more:
- The Telegraph: Russian army TV channel invites Jeremy Clarkson to present motoring show... "Kom, let us drive this Volvo into the Volga..." British newspaper, The Telegraph reports that Russia's Zvezda military television channel says "axed BBC star could learn to love the Lada" - and as a bonus, play with tanks as well.
It's reported the Russian army TV channel made the offer to Clarkson to visit Russia to discuss the possibility of presenting a motoring show, noting his interest in tanks, aircraft carriers and other hardware.
The Telegraph quotes the Zvezda email as follows: "Dear Jeremy, the Russian Armed Forces Broadcasting company Zvezda expresses deep honour to you and kindly asks for cooperation.
"We would like you to invite you to be a presenter of motoring show on our TV show in Moscow."
The Telegraph says "Clarkson, 54, has a huge following in Russia, despite his ridiculing of Soviet era brands. The former BBC star once described the Lada Riva as a 'cockroach' whose engine had 'plainly been lifted from a cement mixer that had spent the past 30 years chewing up rebel soldiers in southern Sudan'."
Piers Morgan has some advice for Clarkson. (Image extracted from YouTube) - Also from The Telegraph... Here are his more memorable gaffes... Top Gear: Jeremy Clarkson's biggest gaffes and bloopers The Telegraph says "When the BBC suspended him, the man they call Jezza had already offended broad swathes of Earth's population..."
And now another "Dear Jeremy"...
- Daily Mail: Dear Jeremy, Your big mistake was hitting your loyal, hard-working producer, not me again. Now here's 10 things you can do to put your life back together, love Piers Morgan...The UK's Daily Mail reports that Piers Morgan, who was also on the end of a Clarkson fist - but likened it to "being slapped over the face with a wet cod" has written an open letter to Clarkson. It's a list of 10 things Morgan reckons Clarkson should do after his sacking...
Top Gear is over 21 Nov 2023