D&AD 2011: In book and Pencil nominations

D&AD is a charity dedicated to the perpetuation of creative brilliance. Year after year it is driven forward by the hunger and aspiration of creative people to be better, to be best. Just by entering they support our Education programmes around the world.
You can view this year's In Book winners and Nominations at www.dandad.org. This year D&AD has also published the shortlists. That's the work that survived the first couple of judging rounds, but was not quite awarded. We have also published interviews with many of the judges on the Learning section of the site. Have a look at these and gain an insight into the judging process.
Pencil winners will be announced on Thursday 16 June at the D&AD Awards Night in London. To find out more or to be part of the celebration go to www.dandad.org/celebrate.