Dubai Lynx confirms Sylvia Vitale Rotta and Iain Jacob as jury presidents

Stepping up to lead two of the seven juries will be Sylvia Vitale Rotta, CEO of Team Créatif, presiding over the Design jury and Iain Jacob, president of Dynamic Markets, Starcom MediaVest Group, who will head up the Media jury.
Sylvia Vitale Rotta founded Team Créatif with Nick Craig in 1986. Since then the design agency has become a reference point both in the French market and abroad. With 165 collaborators from 10 different nationalities, Team Créatif works in 49 countries, including Brazil, where it has a subsidiary in São Paulo and also now Jakarta. A design ambassador around the world, Sylvia was the President of the first Design jury at Eurobest and also the President of the Design Lions Jury at Cannes Lions 2009.
Iain Jacob, began his career in advertising at Boase Massimi Pollitt (now DDB) and Bartle Bogle Hegarty. In 1995, he co-founded Motive Communications, BBH's award-winning separate media company, after which he was given responsibility for the UK operations of Starcom Motive. In 2005 Iain was made the CEO of Starcom Mediavest Group EMEA, and joined the Global Board of SMG. This new role gave him a great deal of exposure to fast growing markets such as the Middle East and Russia as well as the more established Western European countries. In 2009 Iain was made president of Global Innovation, alongside his EMEA role. In this role he was tasked with helping build out SMG's content business, Liquid Thread and also performance marketing disciplines for the company. In 2011 Iain was elevated to President Dynamic Markets following a global reorganisation. This added Australia and Canada to his European duties.
The all-new Dubai Lynx 2013 website launches today, with up-to-date information on the Awards and Festival as well as details on how to submit entries and register to attend. Anyone interested should see
Key dates
Delegate registration: 18 November
Entries open: 9 December
Entries close: 7 February 2013
Festival dates: 10-12 March 2013
Dubai Lynx Awards: 13 March 2013