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GBCSA certifies 50th Green Star building

"The GBCSA could not have achieved the success it has to date without the support of some very big players in the sector that have pioneered the way to a better place for people and the planet. The support has been widespread but of most significance is the take-up of Green Star SA by government bodies and big businesses from banks and property developers," says Brian Wilkinson, CEO of the GBCSA.
"Globally, the built environment is responsible for one third of all carbon emissions and with global warming a very real concern that affects us all, a shift in focus to green building is something that should be foremost in everyone's minds - from government, to developers to the average man in the street."
Government sets example
"It's encouraging to see the country's leadership take up international best practice when it comes to green buildings and we are delighted that there are nine government buildings certified to date. One of the only three 6-star buildings to be certified so far in South Africa is also in this category," says Wilkinson. "As the largest owner and operator of property, the government plays an influential leadership role in accelerating sustainability in the built environment and it is very exciting to see this impressive line-up of Green Star SA rated buildings which clearly indicate governments buy-in to green building practises," says Wilkinson.
According to construction company McGraw and Hills' World Green Building Trend survey (2013), 51% of South Africa firms expect to be building green by 2015 - most notably in the commercial markets. This suggests outside investors, developers and owners will have an important role to play in the ongoing green building groundswell.
Because developers have kept increasing utility costs, potential carbon taxes and stricter regulations in mind when it comes to rental premises, they have recognized that Green Buildings are future-proofed, can fetch lease premiums and retain tenants for longer than conventional buildings.
Environmental benefits
"Developers have identified that there are clear environmental benefits for building green as well as a compelling business case. Going green is not just about the environment, the bottom-line benefits of building and operating green buildings are particularly important considering South Africa's rising energy costs and water scarcity - coupled with lower risks, improvements to employee productivity and ultimately, better investment returns and higher property valuations," says Wilkinson.
"We are absolutely thrilled by the uptake in green building in South Africa. In the past few months the number of buildings that have been certified, or which have applied for certification, has increased exponentially - with 20 buildings being certified in 2013 alone. We are confident that this upward spike will continue as an ongoing trend as increased market demand and clear financial rewards, coupled with mounting government regulations and shareholder pressures, provide multiple incentives to own and occupy high-performance green buildings," concludes Wilkinson.