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Schools to benefit from Collect-a-Book drive

The aim is to encourage learners to read more by providing them with books as well as the opportunity to listen to inspiring storytellers, while teaching them that reading can be fun.
In return for the books, schools are encouraged to collect cans for recycling. Selected primary schools from Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Vanderbijlpark will be visited and receive book donations on Friday, 24 July 2015.
In the spirit of Mandela Month during which people are encouraged to give at least 67 minutes of their time in making a positive difference in their society, Collect-a-Can's Collect-a-Book drive, plans to make a significant impact on the literacy of the children in South Africa. As millions of learners in South Africa do not have access to books, this book drive will provide much needed books to selected schools and more importantly, tackle the illiteracy problem amongst the country's youngest generation one step at a time.
Five underprivileged primary schools located close to the Collect-a-Can branches, including Chuma Primary School from Khayelitsha, Cape Town; Khalipha Primary School in Umlazi, Durban; Boepakitso Primary School from Diepkloof, Johannesburg; Bokamoso Primary School from Soshanguve, Pretoria and Zitha Primary School from Evaton, Vanderbijlpark have been selected to benefit from the book drive. Each school will receive book donations and enjoy a fun and interactive storytelling day! More schools will be selected once book donations have been received.
As an extra bonus to receiving books from the Collect-a-Book drive, the learners from these schools will also be entertained by various ReaderLympics activities to help foster the reading revolution amongst underprivileged schools. ReaderLympics is an NGO that encourages children to read by coordinating a variety of interactive and fun-filled reading activities, specifically aimed at showing youngsters that reading for leisure can be pleasurable.
"We believe that working together with ReaderLympics to blow life into storybooks will teach primary school learners the importance of reading and ultimately improve South Africa's literacy rate, while exposing these learners to a world of possibility," says Zimasa Velaphi, public relations and marketing manager for can recovery and recycling organisation, Collect-a-Can.
In an effort to maximise Collect-a-Can's contribution, the Collect-a-Book drive also includes an environmental and conservational aspect where the selected schools are encouraged to collect cans for recycling in exchange for the books that they will receive at the main event.
Organisations and individuals are encouraged to show their support for the book drive by volunteering their time to read to the learners at the selected schools or by donating reading books for ages between 07 to 13, which can be dropped off at any Collect-a-Can branch. For donations of more than 50 books, Collect-a-Can will collect the books personally at your location.
"A reading nation is a winning nation! Collect-a-Can encourages all South Africans to join hands and donate books this Mandela Month to help foster a reading revolution. Together we can move South Africa forward," concludes Velaphi.
To get involved in the Collect-a-Book drive, contact Collect-a-Can on +27(0)11 466 2939 or go to www.collectacan.co.za