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AstraZeneca's World Heart Day Art Competition winners announced
AstraZeneca's CSI initiative

AstraZeneca’s Nina Nel with World Heart art judges Roy Clucas,Vicki Ehrich, Dr Linda Friedland.
In an effort to stem the tide of heart disease in South Africa, the AstraZeneca Cardiovascular division launched a World Heart Day corporate social responsibility project, targeting nine previously disadvantaged primary schools nationwide. The initiative aimed, through practical interventions, to educate young scholars about the disease and the role played by lifestyle in the prevention of the occurrence of heart disease.
AstraZeneca is a major player in the cardiovascular market with Crestor®, one of the most effective innovative statins on the market in its stable. Since its launch, 13.5-million patients have benefited from this therapy. Nina Nel, Cardiovascular Brand Manager for the company adds, “AstraZeneca is one of the world's leading ethical pharmaceutical companies with representation in over 100 countries. We believe that with a global business comes a global responsibility and this World Heart Day initiative is yet another example proving that AstraZeneca aims to ensure consistently high standards of corporate social responsibility.”
AstraZeneca's support of World Heart Day is now in its ninth year and because heart disease is largely preventable it believes that education is at the heart of the solution. With this in mind the participating schools were given art supplies and budding young artists took to the challenge of illustrating in three different categories. Grade one and two had the challenge of drawing with crayons in the “I love my heart” section; Grade three and four used paints in the “My healthy heart” class and Grade five, six and seven penciled in the “Know your risk” division.
A total of R88500 was awarded in prize money and the art was judged by a panel of three that included, medical doctor and well-known media personality Dr. Linda Friedland, esteemed designer Roy Clucas, and PIASA's CEO Vicki Ehrich. The judging criteria encompassed the use of colour, creativity and interpretation of the brief.
In overall first place it was the pupils in the Free State at Kruitberg Primary School that took the lion's share of awards, clinching a first place and five overall winners. Hot on their heels was Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit from Pretoria with a first place and three winning entries. Taking overall third prize with a first place and two overall winners was Laerskool Generaal Beyers, also from Pretoria. Windemere Primary School in Cape Town secured overall forth place with two winning entries.
Winning Schools
Kruitberg Primary School, Zastron, Free State with a 1st place and five winners overall
Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit, Pretoria, Gauteng with a 1st place and three winners overall
Laerskool Generaal Beyers, Ptretoria, Gauteng with a 1st place and two winners overall
Windemere Primary School, Cape Town, Western Cape with two winners overall
Grade 1 and 2 - “I love my heart” winners:
Ali Motlhade (Kruitberg Primary School - Free State)
Thuto Moetsane (Kruitberg Primary School - Free State)
Inge du Plooy (Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit - Pretoria, Gauteng)
Mateboho Mathakhoe (Kruitberg Primary School - Free State)
Grade 3 and 4 - “My healthy heart” winners:
Anske Grobler (Laerskool Generaal Beyers - Pretoria, Gauteng )
Saubeerah Martin (Windemere Primary School - Cape Town, Western Cape)
Motshedisi Ntlhatu (Kruitberg Primary School - Free State)
Amagelang Nonyana (Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit - Pretoria, Gauteng)
Grade 5, 6 and 7 - “Know your risk” winners:
Daniel Mokhine (Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit - Pretoria, Gauteng)
Diteboho Mothunyane (Kruitberg Primary School - Free State)
Levo Kekaal (Laerskool Generaal Beyers- Pretoria, Gauteng )
Faranaaz Isaacs (Windemere Primary School - Cape Town, Western Cape)
Heart disease and stroke is the world's largest killer, claiming 17.5-million lives a year and 80% of these lives are from people in low- and middle-income countries. Furthermore, research shows that by age 10, eating and exercise habits are consolidated and stay with people for life. “Recognising that adults play a major role in helping children develop habits that reduce cardiovascular risk factors in later life, confirmed that we all had a role to play in the “Know Your Risks” World Heart Day initiative, a project we hope to keep on our annual cardiovascular calendar of activities,” said Nel.
AstraZeneca's World Heart Day initiative has further impact through the launch of a visual calendar of the winning art which will go a long way towards driving home the messages of heart health.
AstraZeneca is a leader in the field of cardiovascular treatment with a broad range of products, built almost exclusively from its own research. Through its local portfolio, AstraZeneca continues to make a meaningful contribution to health care in South Africa.
For further information visit www.astrazeneca.co.za
Editorial contact
Beverley Bradley
SIMONSAYS communications
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