Eurobest announces first three jury presidents

Sergio Valente, CEO and president of DDB Brazil, will take the role of Film, Print, Outdoor and Radio jury president. Over 25 years in the industry have seen him lead his agency to win the Agency of the Year award at Cannes Lions in 2009 as well as the Interactive Agency of the Year and a Cyber Grand Prix in 2005. Elected as a leader of the new generation of agency leaders in the domestic market by Meio & Mensagem, Valente has held previous jury posts on both the Film and the Titanium and Integrated juries at Cannes Lions.

Dagan Cohen, executive creative director of Draftfcb, The Netherlands, will lead the Direct and Promo & Activation jury. Having worked as an independent artist before starting a career in advertising inspired Cohen to look to experiment and push the boundaries between traditional disciplines. The result is work that that has won numerous national and international awards, including two Cannes Lions. He has been a board member of the Dutch Art Directors Club for five years and has served as a juror at many award shows.

Heading up the PR jury is David Gallagher, CEO of Ketchum Pleon Europe and chairman of Ketchum Pleon London. Gallagher has been awarded with some of the highest awards in public relations and has served on juries and panels for more than a dozen public relations awards competitions. He counsels international clients of some of the world's leading brands and companies on product communications, issues management and third-party advocacy. His commitment to the development and growth of PR is evident in his activities with the International Communications Consultants Organisation (ICCO) where he sits on the board; he is also a member of the PR Guild, the Global Health Advisory Board and the Global Agenda Council on Media, Entertainment and Information of the World Economic Forum in Geneva.
Eurobest entries are now open. For further details and information on how to enter, or register to attend, go to
Key dates:
Delegate registration: Now open
Entries: Now open
Entries deadline: 23 September, 2011
Festival dates: 28-30 November 2011, São Jorge Cinema, Lisbon, Portugal
Awards Show and After Party: 30 November 2011, São Luiz Theatre, Lisbon Portugal