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Entrepreneurship Interview South Africa

#LockdownLessons: Zuki, the one-stop pet shop during lockdown

#LockdownLessons explores the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses, how they prepared for lockdown and its impacts on operations and employees, as well as lessons learned that we can take into the post-Covid-19 era.

The world has been turned upside down by the effects of Covid-19. We all had to adjust to new ways of doing things and we are entering a new normal. However, lockdown can be stressful for pets too and so we need to also consider our little furry friends during these changes.

We chat to Nick de Wit, co-founder of Zuki, to find out more about the platform that provides pet information directly from the expertise of a vet and how this has affected business in a time of the coronavirus

Nick de Wit juggles family life and Zuki during the nationwide lockdown.
Nick de Wit juggles family life and Zuki during the nationwide lockdown.

How has Covid-19 impacted your business?

We are part of the lucky few that are permitted to still trade but it has definitely come with a lot of challenges. Besides the obvious and serious one of keeping all our staff healthy and safe, we have had to contend with delays in supplier deliveries, courier restrictions and also had to work to help our customers in these unprecedented times.

How did you prepare for the lockdown?

It was hard to prepare as we were only given a day or two and also we weren’t sure if we were going to be on the list of the essential services. We then had to get all the relevant permits in place and adjust our business to all our suppliers' new requirements. It was tough but we managed.

What's the biggest challenge you are facing during this pandemic?

Our biggest challenge was making arrangements for our staffs' safe commute to work and back and also dealing with our courier company closing during this period and having to swop over to the new service provider.

What sort of assistance will you need going forward?

We are well-positioned as we are solely online and we are able to trade with minimal complications going forward. We obviously have to adhere to the rules on what products we can sell as essential goods but I think assistance going forward ifs for animal shelters and charities. They are in desperate need of donations

If you are able to operate, What steps are you taking to continue operating?

We are operating and we have had to put strict measures in place like sanitizing and supplying our staff with protective mask mainly for their commute. we don’t come in contact with the public so we just have to manage the contact with our suppliers and service providers.

What measures have you put in place for your employees?

We have strict sanitisation procedures when the staff enter and exit the premises, we have assisted our staff with medication to boost their immune systems and also limit contact with any outsiders from our company. Regular hand washing and hand sanitisation is required. We also issued masks that will help them both at work and out.

Are you communicating with your customers? If so, how?

We are in constant communication with our customers via email, updating them on any changes and that we are still able to keep their pets fed.

How are you offering assistance to your customers who rely on your services?

With our home delivery service, we are helping them by getting their pet products to their doors and they are not having to expose themselves by going to the shops to get pet food.

BizcommunityWhat do you predict the next 6 months will be like?

It is tough to say. It could blow over due to the drastic measures taken by the government, which we hope for, but it could also go the other way due to the colder weather coming and restrictions could stay for a while longer. We all hope the virus doesn't take any more lives and cripple the economy further but only time will tell.

Its challenging times and we have to adapt and react.
BizcommunityNow is the time to innovate and experiment. What is Zuki doing?

Well online was relatively small in South Africa compared to normal retail but no this has boosted online sales and we are pushing to let our potential customers know this is an option and it is much safer to do their shopping this way.

What has been your biggest lesson from all this?

Do not put all your eggs in one basket and things can change very quickly. A lot of people are suffering and we need to be thankful for what we have.

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