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Navigating reality through limited experienceFor all intents and purposes, our bodies are meat suits that serve as a 'space suit for the soul'. I use quotation marks because the words I use to describe my satirical reference to the human body would not do a great job if taken at face value. ![]() Source: www.unsplash.com This is the issue I will mostly be navigating through this article. Words operate on a sadly limited bandwidth when it comes to describing anything that is not readily observable by the senses. They have evolved to describe only the resolution and not the processes creating consensus reality. When you watch something on your TV, computer, laptop, tablet or phone you only experience the resolution of the narrative that was created. You are not privy to the writing or filming of it. All you see and hear is what is presented by the device you are using. You are also not necessarily aware of how you are seeing this - most do not have any understanding of the technology involved in bringing the narrative to them. We simply observe what is. Essentially, our bodies and minds serve as a means through which our consciousness interacts with the narrative of manifested consensus reality. Without either we cannot exist in or influence this reality. Navigating consciousnessTo effectively interface with our meat suits, we must define our consciousness. By doing so, it locates our consciousness in this four-dimensional reality. It does this by assigning each of us not only with a time and space coordinate, but also with an individual identity that helps us process information in relation to ourselves. Without this relativity, we would not be able to navigate and experience the adventure that is consensus reality. The experience of watching what is happening under the hood of reality does not really have any bearing on our experience of it. This is important since in our consensus reality time flows only one way. To function, evolve and survive in this temporal environment the meat suit is compelled to limit our consciousness to a narrow bandwidth of information that describes reality as it presents and not how it functions. It would be quite distracting if your TV screen was transparent enough to reveal the electronics behind it, wouldn’t it? This would render it essentially useless since the image quality would be compromised, and you would still have no idea how all those bits and bobs behind the screen actually pixelate your entertainment. Reality functions in the same manner. It exists as a thin layer of ‘pixels’, or as described by science: ‘atoms’ that we observe with our senses. We do not observe how it functions, because that would distract us from the actual information that allows our unique instance to integrate with reality. The evolution of beingĀEvolutionary experts would point out that the organism only observes and reacts to input that ensures its survival. This is why we, not the strongest or fastest creature on this planet, have become the apex predator. We were simply the best at adapting to our environment and adapting our environment to ourselves. Intelligence has a role to play, but you don’t see dolphins in the UN, do you? Understanding how reality operates does not ensure our survival - our brains did not develop to observe reality beyond the surface level. Knowing how the engine works does not make the racing driver any better. The driver might have a better understanding of why the engine is making that disturbing noise, but can’t exactly do anything about it while racing down the track towards the finishing line. Equally, understanding reality on a deeper level does not really help us as we race through time and space. Our meat suits evolved to ensure our survival and knowing the code of the game is simply not important. However, the rules have changed - and so has the game. Science has opened Pandora's box and all the gods have excused themselves for the foreseeable future. Cold logic will enslave us as certainly as the ancient illogical gods once did. If we wish to remain free to pursue our own interests and avoid becoming slaves to the herd, it is important to begin observing reality from alternative points of view. It’s time to start modding the game to our own design. To do this we must figure out the ‘code’. This will require some creative thinking. Fortunately, this is exactly what we have been doing here. Creatively thinking about things. Now we just need to start finding some creative solutions for the problems we have created in our reckless abandon. About Edward HerridgeEdward matriculated in 1992 after which he performed military service and began his working career in printing by studying electronic origination at the South African Printing College. Edward eventually became an account executive for Oakes and Associates at Investec Bank. He then migrated into advertising and became brand manager for Ronin Grain Management Solutions. Edward departed Ronin GMS to pursue his own interest before finding employment at Grey adverting as a finishing artist, re-toucher, motion graphic and digital designer. View my profile and articles... |