Ebony + Ivory pulls off Brand SA's Giyani Activation Constitution Awareness Campaign in under a week

During the Giyani Activation Constitution Awareness Campaign, Brand South Africa was promoting freedom of expression and identity using the platform of South African language and the culture of reading.

The campaign was in honour of the late Moses Mtileni, who obtained three Master’s degrees in African languages. DM’s office in collaboration with Brand South Africa hosted a reading competition in Giyani, Limpopo for five schools who were represented by their top 10 vernacular learners per school. The activation was to host 50 grade four learners in the format of an adjudicated reading competition.

Ebony + Ivory facilitated the following phases of the campaign:

Phase one of the competition:
The learners competed by putting together a puzzle of South Africa. The school that finishes first wins the competition.

Phase two of the competition:
The five schools paired into groups were given as many as possible letters of the alphabet from A-Z. The learners then had to create as many words as possible from the letters given. Every time the learners made up a word, the adjudicator had to record each word and the learners continue building other words. The school that came up with the most words spelt correctly won the first phase of the competition.

Phase three of the competition:
During this phase of the competition, the adjudicators gave a word to the learners, each learner then puts their hand up representing their school and had to spell the given word correctly. If the learner got it right, their school remained in the competition, if the word is spelt incorrectly, the school gets disqualified. This phase was the knockout phase.

The fourth and final phase of the competition:
The school learners then had to use all the words they got in phase two to compile those words into a story. The school with the nicest story won this round and the story was then read by the adjudicator.

The event culminated on 28 February 2020 at the Tomu Village in Giyani, Limpopo. Besides the learners, teachers, members of the DM’s office, Mayor’s office, the District and Brand South Africa team attended a celebratory lunch to acknowledge the winners of the Giyani Activation Constitution Awareness Campaign.

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