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Women24 survey reveals highly engaged online behaviour of South African women

A recent survey was conducted on Women24 with 2000 of the site's readers. The aim of the survey was to help marketers and ad agencies find out what makes South African women tick and what their online behaviour is.
Women24 survey reveals highly engaged online behaviour of South African women

The survey findings reveal that Women24 readers are highly engaged online. 83% of the respondents said they used the internet to gather information, 78% of them regularly take online reviews into consideration when shopping and 33% watch online videos at least once a week. 21% also spend more than three hours a day on their phone or mobile device.

This active engagement online is reflected in Women24's Effective Measure numbers. Women24 features as the biggest female focused website in the Unique Browser category (Effective Measure's benchmark of choice) with an average of 267,689 UB's per month over the last three months. The site also recorded a total average of 1,846,845 Page Impressions over the last three months.

"Women24 is the top website for women in South Africa, consistently occupying this top spot in the benchmark measurement categories for the industry, proof that the content policies are meeting the needs of female readers" says Gustav Goosen, CEO for The SpaceStation, the digital media sales agency who exclusively represent Women24.

"Our survey has shown that the Women24 reader embraces being online and has a lifestyle geared towards living digitally," says Goosen. The results show that 50% of the respondents shopped online at least once a month, while 95% of them entered competitions online and 50% also confirmed they engage with online ads on a regular basis.

The Women24 reader is savvy and educated - 75% have a tertiary education and 44% earn more than R30k per month. But they also embrace family and down time, with 57% of the readers choosing a family as the ultimate female status symbol and 70% using their spare time to go on holiday in South Africa.

Says Lili Radloff, Women24's editor: "Our readers are loyal and very specific about where they want to be online. The site's editorial policy is to provide content that is frank, original and fearless and to create a platform where women of all ages and cultures can share their stories and get advice from a team of experts."

"We conduct surveys like these to assist our clients and agencies in understanding the people they are communicating with, and to help them and their team strategically make the best decisions for their campaigns," says Women24 channel manager at The SpaceStation, Vicki Steenkamp.

The SpaceStation has created an infographic from the survey results, which is available on the news section of The company is also available on Twitter @SpaceStationZA.

1 Aug 2013 08:46
