A sea of walkers in the Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk
The walk which culminated at People's Park, Moses Mabhida Stadium, was created with the whole family in mind and this was evident with more than 11 000 walkers enjoying the 5km route and 9 000 walkers taking on the 10km route. The Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk gives the serious athletes an opportunity to tackle the more challenging 15km or 20km distances. The 20km route has grown in popularity with more than 1 900 walkers winding their way through the streets of Durban.

Excited walkers line up at the start at uShaka Marine World

Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk participants head down the Durban beachfront
East Coast Radio's General Manager Trish Taylor says, "It is always heart-warming to see families from all across province making this event their own and at the same time creating one of the most fun-filled and talked-about walks in the country. It is a fabulous platform for our listeners to interact first hand with the brand." She adds, "An event of this magnitude takes months of planning. We'd like to extend a huge thank you to our partners and sponsors - Discovery, aQuelle, Daily News, Totalsports, uShaka Marine World, Signature Life Hotels, the City of Durban, ER24, Barons VW, KZN athletics, Savages Athletic Club, Rotary Club of Umgeni and their volunteers and the Treble Group."
Head of Sponsorships at Discovery, Jody Foster says, "We've seen it mature to a family event where mom, dad and the kids take part and this attests to how South African households are adopting a healthier lifestyle through simple and accessible initiatives like the Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk."
The Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk under the hashtag #dbnbigwalk was trending on Twitter on Sunday. With walkers tweeting photos and comments like, "It's crazy cold but loving it" and "Done and dusted. Smiles all round!"
This event would not be possible without the support and enthusiasm of the people of KwaZulu-Natal and the event sponsors, so a massive thank you to all!