Gagasi FM Back to School CSI campaign On Monday the 6th of February 2012, the Gagasi FM Back to School campaign in association with Oval Institution provided a great way to create awareness for school kids in and around Durban. Last week the station conducted on-air hand-overs to candidates who won cash fees worth R10 000, including stationery and school vouchers and tertiary bursaries from the Oval Institution. The Back to School Hand-over Ceremony took place at the Gagasi FM offices, where students received a welcome and official hand-over from the MD of Gagasi FM, Mr Chris Meyiwa, and Operational Officer of OVAL International Computer Education, Mr N Harilall. The Back to School campaign assisted students of the ages between 6 and 24 years, from surrounding areas of Pietermaritzburg, Greytown, Lamontville, Hammersdale and the North and South Coast.  MD of Gagasi FM Mr Chris Meyiwa and Operational Officer of OVAL International Computer Education Mr N Harilall awarded a R10 000 bursary to Andile Mthethwa to study at OVAL International Computer Education  MD of Gagasi FM Mr Chris Meyiwa and Chief Operational Officer of OVAL International Computer Education Mr N Harilall pose with the Oval and Gagasi FM beneficiaries who were all awarded bursaries fees, stationery and uniform vouchers funded by the annual Gagasi FM ‘Back to School’ CSI campaign  Beneficiary Anele Zondi from Pietermaritzburg poses with MD of Gagasi FM Mr Chris Meyiwa and her mother as she receives the R10 000 school fees, R700 stationery voucher and a R500 Uniform voucher courtesy of Gagasi FM
8 Feb 2012 19:23<<Back