In South Africa we have a population of 57 million people, 95% have a cellphone and 60% have a Smartphone. That means a whopping 34 million people are connected to the Internet via their phones every day. The average South African spends 8.5 hours a day on the Internet even though things like data expenses, limited Wi-Fi and bad coverage are still obstacles in our country.

Photo credit: senivpetro
We are sure you have seen these stats before or even variations of them, but we have run the numbers and the above is not far off! In the Kathorus Township Complex of about 1.2 million people we picked up 60% have Smartphones. Other township areas were even higher, with an incredible 80%. And just to be clear, these are not just cellphone stats, these are people accessing and browsing the Internet via their mobile phones.
Most consumers in the township market connected to the Internet for the first time via their phones.
As mobile penetration is increasing in the township market so is the relevance of mobile targeting, but there is still an amount of distrust that comes with online interactions, especially in South Africa, and this is where OOH steps in to make the assist. A study done in 2016 found that people who had seen the supporting OOH campaign were 17% more likely to engage with a brand online. Another study done in 2017 found that OOH accounted for 26% of search activations generated by traditional media (TV, radio, print, OOH).
So if OOH legitimises the online interaction and creates the big brand awareness, and mobile re-targeting drives consideration, while allowing us to better measure OOH’s efficacy, wouldn’t the next natural step be a strategy that combines the two platforms?
Planning the one without the other seems like a missed opportunity.
When it comes to the township market we strive to be location experts. What exactly does that mean? It means knowing the area, knowing the people, and knowing when and where to reach them. Let us help you to connect with the right person, at the right time, in the right way, to ensure the best possible outcome for your brand campaign.
1. Presentation by Candice Goodman (Mobitainment): How brands can leverage the incredible reach and engagement of Instant Messaging and Chat platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in township communities.
2. Article on Marketing Week: People who see an OOH campaign are 17% more likely to engage with the brand on their mobile
3. Article on Billboard Insider: Nielsen: OOH Most Effective in Driving Online Activity