Ashleigh Kavanagh
An innovative high-tech production studio, Studio[K]irmack enables e-commerce brands to produce world-class photography and digital content campaigns faster, easier and more cost-effectively. With leading photo and video technology and six world-leading automated content machines, Studio[K]irmack boasts an unrivalled image production process. Clients include Adidas, Falke, Dunns, Hi-Tec, Studio88, Pick n Pay, Leatt, Freedom of Moment, Puma, Prestige Cosmetics, Aca Joe and many more.
“In my previous job, I had first-hand experience of how Studio[K]irmack can equip a business with the tools they need to market their brand on an international level,” explains Kavanagh. “I got on really well with the Studio[K]irmack team and I was working with them more and more. Eventually we just decided to work together. I saw what Studio[K]irmack was able to do for my brand at the time and I knew I could expand other brands with those same resources. I am still working on that account, which is awesome!”
“We are thrilled to have Ashleigh on board,” says Craig Bellingham, founder and CEO of Studio[K]irmack. “As a former client, she really understands our business and has a unique ability to translate business objectives into a creative strategy. It just made sense to work together.”
Kavanagh brings her content and roll-out strategy skills, as well as a marketing edge and a good dose of creative flair to the table. “My role is two-fold,” she explains. “From an internal perspective, I am tasked with growing Studio[K]irmack as a whole - finding new clients and new opportunities in different industries, and introducing our services to smaller, local businesses. On the client-side, my role is to assist in growing their business through formulating a digital content strategy, maximising the different channels available to them and aligning creative to their business objectives.
“Some clients don’t know how to best optimise their content, while others simply need an extra layer of support to lighten the load on their marketing team. Many don’t have the luxury of a team focusing on all the different marketing channels available to them, so the content can be mis-used or not ideally optimised. The possibilities of what we can achieve with the resources as Studio[K]irmack are endless. We really offer incredible solutions to grow a brand.”
With a keen interest in cultural anthropology and human behaviour, Kavanagh loves figuring out what makes consumers tick and what drives them. Having studied fashion design as well as marketing and communications, she has experience in design, trends and the retail environment. She has worked in the luxury industry and on mass local brands, so has been exposed to a wide range of consumers and has witnessed the role that content plays in persuading or attracting a consumer, and how it can drive the growth of a brand. “I see how consumers react to brands and products and how the content directed at them influences the way they perceive those products and brands, the way it can persuade the mind. This is also exactly why content creators and marketers have an obligation to seed content not only to the best of their ability, but also responsibly.”
Kavanagh is particularly excited about empowering female-owned and smaller, local businesses. “There are so many people who dream of owning a business on the side, but have a day job and don’t have the capacity or confidence to follow their passion. I want them to know that they can create something and take it to market. Sometimes they just need a little extra support – and that’s where we can help them.”
Getting to know Kavanagh:
- My hobbies are interior design and architecture. I collect vintage furniture and love scrolling through property sites to create storyboards on how I can curate the spaces with my furniture.
- I have been shark cage diving.
- I am left handed.
- I am super short but did hurdles in high school!
- I’ve seen the northern lights.
- I’m really good at cooking Italian food.
- I hate custard.
- I am a crazy cat lady. I would rather have cats than children.
- Next year, I plan to run a half marathon.
- America is the country I have visited the most but I would still love to take a road trip from the west coast to the east coast. I also want to visit Bali again and take a road trip through the Australian Outback.
For more information:
Visit www.studiokirmack.co.za
Studio[K]irmack are sole agents for OrbitVu in ZA. www.orbitvu.co.za
Follow Studio[K]irmack on Instagram @studiokirmack, Facebook @StudioKirmack and on Twitter @StudioKirmack