1. Show off your summer body (copy)
The end of the year is the ideal time to show off achievements, by publishing your most buff stories on Biz - honour individual or teams, outreach projects and great figures achieved during the year.
A Biz Press Office is a virtual "show office" for your company which allows you to distribute your company news via the biggest multi-industry news website in Africa. Enquire before 31 Dec 2018 and save 15%!
Get (content) highlights, extensions and make waves
Evoke the admiration of colleagues, clients and partners with highlighted positions and extended front-page exposure for your content among daily wave-making news throughout Dec/Jan 2018/19!
Upload a 6-pack (of releases)
Publishing your summer body copy will have people doing sit ups and taking notice. Use your Press Office credits to post industry opinion, vacancies, events and to flex those riveting brand stories.
We've got your back (rest)
While you’re resting, we’ll still be sharing the content you need right into the palms of our readers, via twitter feed, WhatsApp, mobile, Instagram, Facebook and online.
In 2018 you viewed Bizcommunity pages just short of 30 million times, making us the biggest B2B media on the African continent. Start planning your festive content strategy today.
The last newsletters of 2018 will go out on Thurs 20 December and the 1st newsletter of 2019 brimful of first to market African content you need, will be 07 January.
Click here to talk to us about publishing during The Best Biz Summer Holiday (content) Package ever!
BizTrends 2019
For the most unbeatable premium content exposure opportunity of the decade, join this amazing vision quest towards Africa 2020! CLICK HERE to sponsor an industry or category related to your business within BizTrends2019 - The definitive African B2B Trend Report.
Jobs, jobs, jobs
Don't miss these great recruitment-focused B2B sponsorship highlights on Biz:
- Sponsor the #RecruitmentFocus: December 2018-February 2019 - Get your brand name on this three-month-long focus on issues of job creation, upskilling, BEE, internships, eLearning and jobs, jobs, jobs. LEARN MORE.
- Get prepped for 2019 - post unlimited job vacancies, search our CV database, enjoy branded content and more, all at only R14,000/pa or R1400/pm when enquiring before 31 December 2018! LEARN MORE.